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So you may have noticed that Mind Noise Network has been away for a while? No? Oh. 


Well that doesn't matter 'cause we're back and we're putting ourselves out there to get noticed. Starting again with a small, but very carefully selected, team, Mind Noise Network is going to take the second half of 2017 by storm and then kick some serious ass from 2018 onwards. 


What can you expect? Well, on top of the completely honest reviews that we made the pride of our work initially, we will be bringing you:

- Features on things like upcoming tours, festivals and releases

- Monthly podcasts looking back at what happened the month before as well as what's happening in the coming month

- Regular YouTube videos covering everything from new and upcoming bands to interviews to random tidbits that we think are amusing


So, please strap yourselves in for a new ride on the MNN rollercoaster!!

You May Have Noticed We've Been Away




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