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Never Found - Sorrow And Cyanide

by Daniel King - 18 October 2015

Released: 31st October 2015





It often happens that you'll listen to a band and either immediately love or hate it within seconds. There's often not a lot you can do about it, some are growers but often your first impressions are set in stone.  This makes those first impressions as important in music as anywhere else in life.


Never Found's first impressions are of fast paced drums and a punchy riff mixed with grunge style vocals. Raw around the edges and not overproduced to within an inch of it's life. Just Like Hollywood has Silverchair influences all over it, almost feeling like a B-side that the Australians forgot existed. Once the growls start you feel that there has been a Never Found style stamp forced upon the style which is always nice.

Choking Me has a heavier riff and more of a thrash feel to the guitars, whilst keeping those aforementioned vocals and pacier elements. King Of Nothing opens as if it's a track towards the end of an 80s metal band album before the harsh screams kick in alongside the clean vocals providing a nice contrast. This track is the strongest on the EP for me, though it is pushed close by closing track Take Me Away on which the vocals are tested in the verses and the strain on them feels really natural. The growled vocals are used as backing vocals primarily here and feel almost like an irrelevance, not really adding much. Without them, this track would be the highlight of the EP for sure.


Never Found aren't reinventing anything here, but their riffs, well written tracks and raw vocals provide enough for me to want to listen to Sorrow And Cyanide again and again. One to keep an eye on, that's for sure.

Dan's recommended tracks: King Of Nothing & Take Me Away


For fans of: Silverchair, Bullet For My Valentine, Nirvana


Can you see these guys in the UK?: They've got the following date lined up:


The Scene, Swansea - 24th October




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