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Bad Solution -

Self Destruct

by Vikki Vaux - 6 July 2015





Available: Now

With some astounding guitar leads and spot on vocals, Bad Solution have really done well with their 4 track EP titled Self Destruct.


The first track, the self-titled - Self Destruct, starts off with a somewhat soothing piano piece and is shortly followed with aptly timed vocals by lead singer Alex Willox. After being influenced into a false sense of calm, the breakdown happens... we get an abrupt (but awesome) change of tempo and the song swings into a  upbeat, head banger with some fantastic guitar solos! 

Nothing is the second featured track on the EP. 
This track, quite literally, waits for 'nothing'. Its blistering opening riff wouldn't be out of place in Black Label Society's 'Still Born'. After some particularly growly vocals, the chorus follows which, I warn you now, WILL get stuck in your head.

Track three's Dear Sarah, brings a new and darker dynamic to the EP: utilising simple, chugging riffs alongside a haunting lead which really helps to draw focus to the lyrical content which appears to deal with resentment and loss.


The final track Desert opens with a build from the start using Middle Eastern influences (something I wasn't excepting) but gives real depth to the sound and adds a new dynamic. Verse vocals are reminiscent of Mushroomhead, almost industrialised, before returning to a more familiar hard rock, Shinedown-esque chorus similar to the others throughout the EP.


Overall, this EP is not something to miss out on! Fully recommended for those who listen to the likes of Lamb of God, Black Label Society, Shinedown and Stone Sour.




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