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Between Waves - Paper Chain

by Aimée Thomson - 31 October 2015

Released: October 2015



Unfortunately, the rise of bands such as Paramore have moulded the shape for a generic, female fronted band. Giving the image they’ll all sound happy and chirpy with 0 attitude, and the same four chord, verse chorus, verse structure. Add to that the only possibly genre they will play is pop punk and this is why I was so pleased when I listened to Between Waves this morning. Vocalist Helen Page has a unique voice that pierces through the ‘pop punk expectation’. And the band as a whole have created a sound that is both heavy and bursting with melody. On October 23rd Between Waves released their EP Paper Chain, which is free to download from their Facebook page.


The first track, like the EP itself is called Paper Chain. The opening riff has an almost grungy feel to it, accompanied by haunting vocals. When all the instruments kick in they compliment each other, creating a chilling aura. The solo has some really captivating lead lines, keeping up the strange and original sound that is Between Waves.


Second track Revelation opens with some really tight drum fills. The guitar rolls between each beat, and the vocals stay light and airy. That is until the band plunge into the chorus, where the instrumentation becomes in your face heavy and the vocals transform into powerful and bold, still keeping that eerie edge. This track is easily my favourite on the EP.

A grunge influence is really apparent in track three, Place To Fall. The song starts off with a slow and powerful verse before hitting another heavy, metal edged chorus. This track leads on into fourth track Deceiver. Deceiver has a heavy start and demonstrates some strong vocal work. The instrumentation remains bold throughout the track, with some classic chugging guitar work at the end of the first verse. When entering the bridge the instruments come down for a few bars, letting the guitar play with the vocals, combining to make an interesting sound.


The EP finishes with track Fathom. This particular track is well placed on the EP, it’s not as heavy as previous track Deceiver and not quite as haunting as the first two tracks. Instead it sits between, a perfect combination of art and metal, a perfect example of the experimental sounds Between Waves have combined to make this EP. While Revelation is my favourite track on the EP overall, Fathoms solo trumps them all. Going from a classic metal chorus, straight into weeping guitars and light drumming.


Between Waves are a really exiting band to hear in the alternative scene. A lot of bands see a hype in a particular genre and jump on board with it, copying everything from the image to the sounds. Between Waves are brand new, fresh sounding and totally unique.

Aimée's recommended tracks: Deceiver, Fathom


For fans of:  Deftones, Rolo Tomassi, Slayer


Can you see these guys in the UK?: There doesn't look like there any dates ATM.




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