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Draconian - Sovran

by Alex Mumford - 20 October 2015

Released: October 2015





Draconian – a term used to describe laws with consequences so extreme and severe, that it struck fear into those who broke them. A name that has shook the very fabric of the world since the dawn of the great Greek empire of old. A band of Gothic/Doom lovers from Sweden dare name themselves after this. Let’s see why…


Draconian’s new album Sovran releases on the 30th October with Napalm Records, but I get a cheeky sneak peek before it blesses your ears.


An ominous riff to kick things off slow, dark and a little scary…turning the lights off adds to the atmosphere when you listen to this. A creepy organ fills the background. Oh this is great so far. Then something you don’t expect happens. The most innocent, most beautiful voice creeps over the darkness, Heike Langhans overshadowing the evil tones you can hear with her elegant utterance. There is lament in her words like she is pouring her soul out. What a start. Then the riff smashes in again and the growls commence. Anders Jacobsson clearly portraying anger and resentment in his cries. Heavy Lies the Crown…what a fantastic entrance to an album. I love this so far.


The Wretched Tide, enter the mighty violin. Another great start to a song. My eyes closed now, drinking in every note played. No over complicated areas. A spoken work part during this song, almost not needed. But all other aspects of this song are fantastic.


You can feel the emotion everywhere in this album. Absolutely incredible to listen to. You truly appreciate the pure effort involved to portray anger and sorrow in such a way. I could talk about each song for hours…alas I’m restricted to just a few words. I cannot truly represent how much I enjoy this album.

Crunching riffs everywhere. Seriously, turn the lights off and blast this album out. I have the biggest smile on my face when I listen to this, I don’t want it to end. Stellar Tombs…what a monster of a song, you can see why it’s the band’s single release for this album. Incredible riff to begin with, you just can’t help yourself from some sort of head movement, feet and hands tapping on their own accord. When you read reviews, they rarely ever go over vocal pattern. I want to talk about it so you’re gonna have to read it…Anders and Heike have their patterns perfect. They complement the riff as if they were born to be written together. Fantastic harmonies. Where has this band been hiding?


I must confess, this is the first time I have ever listened Draconian. I can promise that this sure as hell is not going to be the last. I need more of this. The passion emanates through you when you listen to this. What a mixture of beauty and aggression caressing my ears. Just brilliant.


I’m struggling to find anything critical so say about this album. Even the album art is fantastic. A large eye with some scary looking trees, clouds and the star signs.


Getting nearer to the end of the album now with Rivers Between Us. And a co clean vocal shared between the two is intense. A little later in the song is an old school voice over recording which ties in wonderfully.


To finish the album off there is The Marriage of Attaris. What a finish to a fantastic album. Deep dark chords flow through the song like a downhill river drifts through the forest.


I honestly cannot bring to words how much I enjoyed this album. I hope that what I have said here is what you all think when you try it out. Pure elation is spread across my face every time I listen to this. Give this album your full attention. Believe me, it deserves it! Draconian…More Please!

Alex's recommended tracks: All of Them…If I had to Pick then Stellar Tombs and The Wretched Tide.


For fans of: Paradise Lost, My Dying Bride


Can you see these guys in the UK?: Sadly there doesn't appear to be anything on the horizon.




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